Become a Sponsor

Employer Branding

  • Gain a stronger footing in the ever evolving talent marketplace.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to your current and future team by supporting the education and development of the industry.

Hiring and talent

  • Promote your company's roles to 10,000+ industry professionals, tech leaders and passionate enthusiasts.
  • Access tech talent from every angle including Software Engineers, Backend/Frontend developers, Cloud experts, Software architects, designers and more.
  • The average TechFAIR LIVE attendee has 3 years of professional experience in the Tech field.
  • All while showcasing your company culture to the World and attracting the most qualified professionals directly.

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  • Exhibit and showcase your services to 1000's of potential clients.
  • 1 in 5 TechFAIR LIVE attendees is a decision maker.
  • Attendees at TechFAIR LIVE drive change and innovation in their organisations! Show them why you’re the best option for them.